Saturday, November 16, 2019


Country Side -PAUD@Diwali

Paud -a small town situated very close to Pune,on the banks of Mulshi River.
We All Sisters decide to spend quality time and happy occasion of Diwali together.
We chose the Golden fields resorts for 4 days
Rains had created a havoc on the roads and they were pock marked and speed car was 15kms with every now and then ,huge crater like pot holes seen on the road .Manuvering the car was tough.
On reaching the place ,I realised this is Heaven on earth.
Peaceful, serene, no loud noise of vehicles,and very little diwali cracker sounds.
Day 1
Evening spent sitting on Huge balcony facing the river.lush greens lawns had so much bird activity.
Me with my bins, on my PRIVATE MACHHAAN,had the most glorious time
The garden had lots of scaly breasted Munias, in nest building activity.They would rush to opposite banks bring in a grass blade and into the Palm tree .Lawns had Wagtails-white browed, White, grey chasing the insects and enjoying a merry feast.
The pied bush chats -male and female would sit perched up on a pipe out in the lawns and jump down on the rock when they would spot food.
The occasional Indian Robin and Magpie robins would also come for a quick bite.
The blue Rock Thrush was also too bold catching insects,and not getting scared of us Humans.
I was on cloud NINE.
Next day- Day 2 - was awake with the calls of the Langurs and Peacocks going MEOW-MEOW. When i heard the grey jungle fowl call, i just jumped out of my warm bed and went on the Balcony once more. There was too much fog and cold breeze ,but I till ventured on the main road to explore .The calls of Scimitar Babblers and puff throated Babblers were filling the air. What a wonderful way to begin my New Year I thought.
The Food was delicious in the hotel.They would just make anything we order.(i did not have to think what to cook and no where running from place to place).At relaxed pace LIFE was!!
Evening was also wonderful with Mangoose running along  the river.The white breasted kingfishers calling and fishing.Suddenly a common kingfisher came to hunt. While sitting on a branch on the opposite side ,i spotted a black capped kingfisher.A rarity in this Area. I jumped out of my Balcony Seat, and called my husband and My friend ,We all went slowly as close to river edge to get good view and pictures as well.
Day 3 -Activity was slow since there morning smog but the garden dance had began- The Munias were out gathering nesting material and laying it in the branches of the tree.All the best -little ones may you have more children here -is what i blessed them with.Common wood shrike sang in a close by and the spotted doves had begun their courtship dance.
The Peacocks had started calling and scimitar babbler as well-Out again on my nature trail-
saw common ioras feeding away, little green bee- eaters were enjoying their dragon fly breakfast.I came across a white bellied drongo sallying and chasing insects.Among the Purple jumped Sunbirds were 2 indian yellow tits,and gold fronted leafbirds.
After we visited a dam which is 100 years old . Enjoyed the rice INDRANI variety popular in this area,where our rickshaw driver took us and gave some free as well.We went to say thank you to my favourite GOD -LORD GANESH and spent rest of the time watching the activity of black red starts,pied bush chats,ashy pirinias, and blue rock thrushes,magpie robins,and indian robins, feeding on the lawns.
Evening we went up to see a lovely boarding school- River dale.Met a friendly teacher and saw my season's first golden Oriole- (Said to my self -winter is round the corner.)
Day 4
After frenzy of packing and loading up left for Mumbai. A very Laid back HAPPY DIWALI came to and End.
Awaiting for some more !!!!!!


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